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Revisit the history of the scroll bar

Revisit the history of the scroll bar

This is the kind of thing fin to look through while at the same time wondering “you did what now??” Sébastien Matos researched and recreated the scrollbars of various operating systems of the last thirty years. Grayson Blackmon at The Verge goes through all of them and gives his “very serious review of scroll bars through history.”

It’s part of the Information mesh projects by the The ECAL study group, part of the swissnex Salon.

Information Mesh is a web platform celebrating the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web that explores social, technical, cultural and legal facts throughout different interactive timelines. … The timelines present an overview of Web history, starting with the proposal for hypertext by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in 1989, initially under the name “Information Mesh.” From this start date, users can then explore 30 years of evolution.