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Miguel Atwood-Ferguson’s Les Jardins Mystiques

“Each of the tracks is supposed to be a different mystical garden.”

I almost didn’t read this Q&A with jazz musician Miguel Atwood-Ferguson in the latest issue of Tricycle Magazine, but I’m glad I did. His debut album, Les Jardins Mystiques, came out last year — after 14 years in the making — and is streaming in full on Bandcamp. I like the music, but this was my favorite bit from the interview:

Since I’m not trying to be popular, I’m not trying to win awards, I’m not trying to do anything other than be sincere and share what is most authentically me, the worst thing I could do is be fake or do anything disingenuous. That’s why I didn’t make a short, easy-to-digest album. I wanted to attract my tribe and scare away the people that don’t have the ability to focus or that would be annoyed.

Discussion  8 comments

Reb Butler

You can include me in his tribe. I'm listening as I write this, and it's terrific!

CW Moss

Thank you for sharing, Edith!

I have an EP that I adore that Miguel Atwood-Ferguson did with Carlos Niño. It came out after J. Dilla passed — and I listen to it all the time while working. This is on of the tracks, called Fall in Love.

I've looked at the album cover a hundred-thousand times, but usually small on my computer. In seeing it on YouTube a bit larger, I realized the image is of people at a funeral. I'd only noticed the heart cloud in the sky. Studying it more, I thought it sort of looked like LA in the background — and so I search and discover that Dilla is buried at Forest Lawn, not too far from where I live. I think I'll have to stop by soon.

Edith ZimmermanMOD Edited

I love this, thank you for sharing. Listening now.

CW Moss

Wild follow-up here.

In searching to confirm where Dilla's gravesite is, I ended up on this website from Reilly Brennan.

It looked nicely put together, so I read a few other posts — then clicked the About page to read about the person, and lo-and-behold Edith Zimmerman did the illustration. (!!!) I'm astounded. In just a few clicks, the world feels bigger and smaller at the same time.

Edith ZimmermanMOD

Lol!!! Or maybe I'm just in all the right places...

CW Moss


In the name of the Father, Son, and holy Edith…

Edith ZimmermanMOD

???? ????

Jason KottkeMOD

What in the what?! That's crazy.

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