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Hokusai’s The Great Wave Now on Display at the Art Institute of Chicago

Hokusai's iconic work The Great Wave Off Kanagawa

The Art Institute of Chicago has three copies of Katsushika Hokusai’s iconic work The Great Wave Off Kanagawa in its collection and one of them has been removed from storage and is back on display in the museum until Jan 6, 2025.

The Great Wave has not been on view in the Art Institute galleries for five years because, like all prints, it is susceptible to light damage and must rest a minimum of five years between showings to preserve its colors and vibrance.

Here’s a video of the print being removed from storage as well as a brief comparison of their three prints:

For other places you can see The Great Wave on display, check out Great Wave Today.

Discussion  1 comment

Bob Walicki

I appreciated the Heads Up. We had a break today between a soccer game and family party and hit up the Art Institute to double-bill the Georgia O'Keeffe's New Yorkers special exhibition and then tunneled down to see this in person. Lived up to it.

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