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The Williamsburg Bridge Riders

a biker exiting the Williamsburg Bridge bike path

a biker exiting the Williamsburg Bridge bike path

a biker exiting the Williamsburg Bridge bike path

a biker exiting the Williamsburg Bridge bike path

a biker exiting the Williamsburg Bridge bike path

a biker exiting the Williamsburg Bridge bike path

Adam DiCarlo takes photos of commuters (mostly bikers) as they exit the Williamsburg Bridge bike path on the Manhattan side and posts them to his Instagram account. (via @BAMstutz)

Discussion  2 comments

Greg Storey

I love the shots with guys popping a bunny hop.

Bill Amstutz

Streetsblog NYC featured Adam and this photo project recently. It highlights how dangerous the bicycle exit/entrance to the Williamsburg Bridge is. The DOT plans to fix it, but the work isn't scheduled until 2029.

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