The Move
I really liked this entertaining short film by Eric Kissack (editor & producer for The Good Place), in which a couple moving into a new apartment together discovers a previously unnoticed feature of their new space, which in turn…well, I don’t want to spoil anything. Just watch it.
Discussion 13 comments
Great find.
that was cool
I'm reminded of the great short story 'Rent Control' by Walter Tevis. In fact I was almost sure that was going to be what the film would be an adaptation of - not far off though.
It appeared in OMNI magazine back in the day and can be found as scans here:
Perfect ending, too: no unnecessary fat
Excellent! @Jason - Perhaps at some point, there could be a post where we all share some favorite short films?
Why not post your favorite short films here?
Oh, just didn't want to derail the thread.
Monica and Ted's Excellent Adventure !
I spent 50% of my brain power during that video trying to figure out where I knew her from (Spoiler alert: Silicon Valley.)
Same, but with him... (Schitt's Creek)
“This is a metaphor for something” is one of my favorite tags on the site and I’m glad it’s being used again. Always great stuff.
Both of the actors were "that guy/gal"s for me. I absolutely recognized them almost immediately, but couldn't place them.
(Schitt's Creek and Silicon Valley, respectively, are probably
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