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My Jade Plants Flower And Yours Can Too

I posted this picture of my jade plant flowering on BS and a lot of people expressed surprise that jade plants flower, and I was wondering: did you know jade plants flower? Growing up, my mom always had lots of jade plants, and I was in my twenties the first time I saw flowers on jade plants in Northern California. It blew my flipping mind is what it did.

The flowers are little pink stars with tiny antennae that make the flowers look like they’re sparkling. I think they’re so dainty and gorgeous and I love them. Look at those tiny pink idiots. Look at those itsy bitty show offs sharing their joy with anyone lucky enough to gaze upon their perfect visage.


I live near Boston and my jade plants didn’t start flowering until I moved somewhere I could put them outside most of the year, and by that time they were at least 22 years old and probably 25. The three oldest are the only ones to flower, which makes sense since the other ones aren’t as old. There’s a lot of information here about how to make your indoor jades flower, but it boils down to tricking them to make them think they’re in South Africa. They need to be cold at night and in sun during the day and you gotta stop watering them a little bit.

Do your jades flower?

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I'm sorry, they're HOW old?

Aaron CohenMOD

Very, very. I can’t keep any other indoor plants alive except jade plants.

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Brian J Ridder

are we using BS for bsky? That is an unfortunate abbreviation.

Aaron CohenMOD

I'm giving it a shot.

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You see them planted all over SF and many of them bloom. I've got them going in my backyard as cuttings from other plants. The largest is about 10 years old and just this year has had three or four clusters of blossoms.


My jades will flower if I let them, but mostly I grow them as Bonsai so they're usually trimmed hard. They're outdoors all year round, in South Australia so the climate is pretty close to their native environment.
Love jades!

Nathan kress

Western Pennsylvania jade owner here. 20+ year old plant goes outside ant the beginning of May and back inside mid October. Usually have flowers all of December. Never knew the “why” before - so thanks for that link!

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