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Rolling Stone interview with George Lucas from 1977

Rolling Stone interview with George Lucas from 1977.

A DJ scratches out the Imperial March

A DJ scratches out the Imperial March from Star Wars on his decks.

The typography of the Star Wars opening sequence

The typography of the Star Wars opening sequence.

If you’re going to see Revenge of

If you’re going to see Revenge of the Sith again, look for these easter eggs. Both the Millennium Falcon and George Lucas have cameo appearances.

“A sampling of what prominent film critics

“A sampling of what prominent film critics wrote in their reviews of the earlier ‘Star Wars’ films”.

Mr. Sun goes to Revenge of the

Mr. Sun goes to Revenge of the Sith with his youngling. “Why didn’t Obi-Wan finish off Anakin? That weakness of the mind cost millions of lives. Put down the coffee, Master Kenobi — coffee is for closers.”

The public choice economics of Star Wars: A Straussian reading

The public choice economics of Star Wars: A Straussian reading. “The core point is that the Jedi are not to be trusted”.

Revenge of the Sith available online already

Revenge of the Sith available online already.

Anthony Lane slams Revenge of the Sith

Anthony Lane slams Revenge of the Sith in the New Yorker this week. “The general opinion of ‘Revenge of the Sith’ seems to be that it marks a distinct improvement on the last two episodes, ‘The Phantom Menace’ and ‘Attack of the Clones’. True, but only in the same way that dying from natural causes is preferable to crucifixion.” Ouch.

Lego version of Han Solo frozen in carbonite

Lego version of Han Solo frozen in carbonite.

Great rant about George Lucas and Star Wars

Great rant about George Lucas and Star Wars. Warning, some spoilers for Revenge of the Sith in the last few paragraphs.

Must See TV dead

Thursday nights aren’t what they used to be. Since Seinfeld is gone and I stopped watching ER, I don’t watch TV on Thursday nights anymore. No Cheers. No Cosby Show. No Family Ties. No Night Court. Not even a Different World (ah, Jasmine Guy, where are ye now?). A long tradition is over. Must See TV is no more. Long live Fox Sunday nights.

Except for That 70’s Show.

Pounding nails with Dad

Anyone out there ever done any shingling? It’s pretty fun…and a welcome change from the computer. You’re outside, getting a tan, wind in your hair, pounding nails, scraping up your knuckles on the shingles until they bleed, hoisting 75 pounds of shingles on your shoulder and climbing up a ladder. Ahhh…that’s the stuff.

Also, go see Hey, Geek Girl. It’s a perfect idea…advice for geeks from one of the coolest and smartest geeks I know.

Things have been happening

Things have been happening. No, let me rephrase that: Things™ have been happening. That’s why I’ve been less than punctual in updating this journal, and to a lesser extent, this Web site. Here’s what’s been going on:

The first Thing™ is that I quit my job. Finally. I worked at Imation Internet Studio/Imaginet for almost two years…and it was fun…for a while. Then, I figured out that it just wasn’t the place for me…in almost every way one can imagine. So I quit. I’m going to take two or three weeks off to walk the earth and then figure out what I’m going to do next: freelance Web design or sign on with another (better) Web shop here in Minneapolis. Decisions, decisions.

As for the second Thing™….no comment.