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Nice interactive timeline of British history.

Nice interactive timeline of British history.

Innovation timeline 1900-2050, from corn flakes to

Innovation timeline 1900-2050, from corn flakes to something called quiet paint.

Writer’s Dreamtools has a timeline of events,

Writer’s Dreamtools has a timeline of events, people, entertainment, fashion, money, etc. for every decade since 1650. This allows the writer to put herself in that time period and as a jumping off point for further historical research. Favorite categories: “who’s in” and “what’s in”. What a great resource for writers. (via youngna)

An incredibly detailed description of the eight

An incredibly detailed description of the eight different timelines in the three Back to the Future movies.

A timeline of timelines.

A timeline of timelines.

Social, political, economic, cultural, historical, and technological

Social, political, economic, cultural, historical, and technological timelines of the world from 1750 to 2100. Having all the timelines in one view is nice, but the zoomable interface is clunky.

A gigantic movie timeline that incorporates events

A gigantic movie timeline that incorporates events from tons of movies. “Who’d have thought that while Gangs of New York’s Amsterdam Vallon was killing Butcher Bill, down the road Abraham Lincoln was being kidnapped by Bill & Ted”.

Neat visual history of Nikon SLR cameras.

Neat visual history of Nikon SLR cameras. It would be neat to make an animation of how the cameras changed through time.

A timeline of splash screen graphics for

A timeline of splash screen graphics for Adobe Photoshop. I didn’t know that Photoshop was developed outside of Adobe and then licensed later. (thx mark)

Google corporate timeline. Might be old, but

Google corporate timeline. Might be old, but I’ve never seen it before. (via Subtraction)