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This one guy tried to get the

This one guy tried to get the word “sweatshop” printed on his custom Nike shoes and Nike wouldn’t let him. “The Personal iD on my custom ZOOM XC USA running shoes was the word ‘sweatshop.’ Sweatshop is not: 1) another’s party’s trademark, 2) the name of an athlete, 3) blank, or 4) profanity. I choose the iD because I wanted to remember the toil and labor of the children that made my shoes. Could you please ship them to me immediately.”

The Hot or Not site lets you

The Hot or Not site lets you rate people’s pictures on a scale of 1 to 10. You can even upload your own picture to be rated.

Justin Hall documents his entire life on

Justin Hall documents his entire life on his WWW page, Justin’s Links from the Underground.

WiReD magazine on the Mosaic WWW browser

WiReD magazine on the Mosaic WWW browser and how it is “well on its way to becoming the world’s standard interface”. “Mosaic is the celebrated graphical ‘browser’ that allows users to travel through the world of electronic information using a point-and-click interface. Mosaic’s charming appearance encourages users to load their own documents onto the Net, including color photos, sound bites, video clips, and hypertext ‘links’ to other documents. By following the links โ€” click, and the linked document appears โ€” you can travel through the online world along paths of whim and intuition.”

Hahaha! Look at all those hampsters dancing

Hahaha! Look at all those hampsters dancing. Be sure to turn up the sound on this one!

Apparently, the Internet has a very last

Apparently, the Internet has a very last page after which, you’re all done. LOL, ROFL!

Hilarious home page of a lonely Turkish

Hilarious home page of a lonely Turkish guy named Mahir who is seeking female companionship. “I kiss you!!!!”

URouLette takes you to a random homepage

URouLette takes you to a random homepage on the WWW each time you click it.

A woman who was charged $250 for a

A woman who was charged $250 for a cookie recipe from Neiman-Marcus gets her revenge by emailing the recipe to everyone she knows. “So here it is, please pass it on to someone or else or run a few copies…I paid for it, so now you can have it for free!!!”

The makers of the WWW browser Mosaic

The makers of the WWW browser Mosaic are keeping track of what’s new on the WWW. “Carnegie Mellon has announced their Web server; here’s the ‘Front Door’; here’s the home page. (‘Front door’… interesting metaphor, that.)”

It’s the Really Big Button That Doesn’t Do Anything

It’s the Really Big Button That Doesn’t Do Anything. When you push it, it really doesn’t do much.

David Filo and Jerry Yang are organizing

David Filo and Jerry Yang are organizing the entire WWW into a hierarchical category system. They’ve named their site “Yahoo”.

The NY Times on the CollegeHumor gang

The NY Times on the CollegeHumor gang.

Yahoo! buys Konfabulator

Yahoo! buys Konfabulator. This could be huge. Aside from the Flickr purchase, this is the first move by Yahoo! that gives them something that Google needs but doesn’t have. (More on this soon.)

Vanilla is a smooth-looking piece of forum software

Vanilla is a smooth-looking piece of forum software.

The top ten web memes from the past ten years

The top ten web memes from the past ten years.

Long article from Fortune on the 10th

Long article from Fortune on the 10th anniversary of Netscape’s IPO. Features interviews with several of the key players.

Cnet celebrates its 10th anniversary

Cnet celebrates its 10th anniversary.

Scrollbar art by Jan Robert Leegte

Scrollbar art by Jan Robert Leegte.

Jeff Veen’s The Art and Science of

Jeff Veen’s The Art and Science of Web Design is 5 years old. To celebrate, he’s made a proof of the entire book available for download.

Google introduces an API for Google Maps

Google introduces an API for Google Maps. And there was much rejoicing by the cartography hacking community.

Long, long, long, but good, good, good

Long, long, long, but good, good, good piece on Suck, “the first great website”.

Matt Webb on who the web is

Matt Webb on who the web is and isn’t for (this is a great little essay). “The huge influx of cash at the turn of the millennium led to the whole Web being built in the image of the Bay area. The website patterns that started there and - just by coincidence - happened to scale to other environments, those were the ones that survived.”

Interview with Jonah Peretti, director of Research

Interview with Jonah Peretti, director of Research and Development at Eyebeam.

A map of Firefox usage in Europe

A map of Firefox usage in Europe. 30.5% in Finland and almost 25% in Germany.

A collection of home page screenshots from 1996-present

A collection of home page screenshots from 1996-present.

The launch party for Eyebeam’s Contagious Media

The launch party for Eyebeam’s Contagious Media Showdown is tonight, 6:30pm.

The next version of Internet Explorer will have tabbed browsing

The next version of Internet Explorer will have tabbed browsing.

Flickr switches from Flash to DHTML/Ajax

Flickr switches from Flash to DHTML/Ajax for displaying photos and notes. You can now also put links in notes, which, damn, my mind just blew.

Yikes, looks like there’s some problems with

Yikes, looks like there’s some problems with the Google Web Accelerator. It “clicks” every link, including those that might delete documents and such in web apps.