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GUI: a re-presentation of the Adobe Photoshop

GUI: a re-presentation of the Adobe Photoshop interface within a 3-dimensional space.

Banksy relics

Banksy strikes again, placing a stone relic with a cave drawing of a shopping cart on it into the British Museum.

58 days worth of drawing exercises in Microsoft

58 days worth of drawing exercises in Microsoft Excel by Danielle Aubert.

Whatever happened to the subjects of Diane Arbus’s photographs?

Whatever happened to the subjects of Diane Arbus’s photographs?. CNN’s Anderson Cooper was that weird looking baby?

Secret Wall Tattoos

Secret Wall Tattoos. People are removing art from hotel room walls, creating their own art on the wall beneath, and then replacing the art of top of it for others to discover at a later time.

If you haven’t yet, the Diane Arbus

If you haven’t yet, the Diane Arbus exhibition at the Met is worth checking out. Open through May 30.

Victoria Reynolds paints meat

Victoria Reynolds paints meat. Meat as subject, not meat as canvas. Very strange and cool.

NYC2012 is using the Union Square clock

NYC2012 is using the Union Square clock art work to promote NY’s 2012 Olympic bid. One of the artists who did the piece is not thrilled about it being used for advertising.

Speculation is that the Munch paintings stolen

Speculation is that the Munch paintings stolen last year (The Scream et al) were burned; Norwegian police say no.

How a couple of mathematicians helped the

How a couple of mathematicians helped the Met accurately photograph some priceless tapestries. The difficulty in piecing together the different photographs was because when the tapestries were taken off the wall, they “began to breathe, expanding, contracting, shifting”…that is, they were changing between photos.

Street art legend Revs is back, but

Street art legend Revs is back, but this time he’s (almost) legal and working with iron sculpture. I’ve seen a bunch of his work in Dumbo.

David Rockefeller is giving $100 million to the MoMA

David Rockefeller is giving $100 million to the MoMA.

Interview with Cory Archangel about his video game-related art

Interview with Cory Arcangel about his video game-related art.

Evany is back.

One of my five favorite web-type people has resurfaced. Finally. After an absence that seems about three years long, Evany is back. If you’ve never been to her site, go. Now. If you’ve been there before, she’s got some new content up. Plus, she’s now the senior editor at Webmonkey.