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Babble obscures conversations in office environments

Babble obscures conversations in office environments. It takes your phone conversation and makes it sound like the hum of office conversation by layering your voice over itself several times.

Matt Haughey on how to enjoy audiobooks

Matt Haughey on how to enjoy audiobooks.

Yuri Lane demonstrates his beatbox harmonica technique

Yuri Lane demonstrates his beatbox harmonica technique. Saw this guy today at GEL…fricking great.

Audio from the Who Owns Culture? talk

Audio from the Who Owns Culture? talk by Lessig, Tweedy, and Johnson now online. Streaming audio or mp3.

Audio of Malcolm Gladwell’s keynote from SXSW 2005

Audio of Malcolm Gladwell’s keynote from SXSW 2005 is available for streaming or download.

Terry Gross interviews The Incredibles director Brad Bird on NPR

Terry Gross interviews The Incredibles director Brad Bird on NPR. “So, what does the director of an animated film actually do?”