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Great little interview with professional rock, paper,

Great little interview with professional rock, paper, scissors player, Jason Simmons. “The game started long before we actually threw the first throw.” (via sippey)

Lengthy radio interview with Michael Lewis about

Lengthy radio interview with Michael Lewis about The Blind Side. Available in RealAudio and MP3 formats. (thx, steve)

Profile of Walter Werzowa, the man responsible

Profile of Walter Werzowa, the man responsible for the Intel Inside theme. More here about tiny music makers, including the Windows 95 startup sound by Brian Eno, the THX theme, and the Mac startup sound.

The Dr. Strangelove DVD has this clip

The Dr. Strangelove DVD has this clip on it (or something very similar): an audio recording of Peter Sellers seamlessly transitioning from one British accent to the next. (via clusterflock)

The International Dialects of English Archive has

The International Dialects of English Archive has a ton of mp3 files of people speaking English from all over the world. “All recordings are in English, are of native speakers, and you will find both English language dialects and English spoken in the accents of other languages.”

Audio versions of dozens of New Yorker

Audio versions of dozens of New Yorker articles. Perfect for the long morning commute (if I had a long morning commute). The same site also has audio versions of several other publications, including Wired, The Atlantic Monthly, and Scientific American. What a great resource. (via rw)

Update: Get them all at once, instructions here.

MP3 audio of notable moments in history,

MP3 audio of notable moments in history, including Apollo 13’s “Houston, we have a problem”, Albert Einstein explaining e-mc^2, and, uh, Al Pacino from Scarface. (via cyn-c)

NPR interview with David Remnick. Here’s a

NPR interview with David Remnick. Here’s a newly-released collection of his recent writing, which includes his interview with Al Gore.

Some podcasts are available from Core’s Design 2.0

Some podcasts are available from Core’s Design 2.0 conference held in NYC back in February. The next conference is in SF in June.

Cheese by Hand is a project by

Cheese by Hand is a project by Michael Claypool and Sasha Davies to “capture the experience of cheesemakers around the country, in their own voices, and share them with consumers and cheese fans everywhere”. Jasper Hill Farms cheese = great; audio about JHF approach to cheese, even better. (via megnut, who, if you haven’t noticed, is blogging up a storm about food lately)

The Edge has a transcript and an

The Edge has a transcript and an mp3 recording of an event called The Selfish Gene: Thirty Years On. The speakers include Daniel Dennett and Richard Dawkins.

NPR report on The Elder Wisdom Circle,

NPR report on The Elder Wisdom Circle, a group of seniors who use the combined wisdom of their ages to help people who write in with questions. What a nice idea. I love the response to the first letter…”if she really was serious about you, boy, oh boy, she would be running to the court to get a separation and divorce”. Here’s the EWC web site. (thx, jeff)

Super Mario sound effects. (via alice)

Super Mario sound effects. (via alice)

How do audiobook producers deal with things

How do audiobook producers deal with things like footnotes, photos, interesting punctuation, and the like? “The voice manipulation, for which audiobook producer John Runnette used a ‘phone filter’ โ€” a voice-through-the-receiver effect used in radio dramas โ€” was an attempt to aurally convey Mr. Wallace’s discursive, densely footnoted prose.” Includes sample audio with examples. (thx, bill)

3quarksdaily has the full-text of Martin Luther

3quarksdaily has the full-text of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech given on August 28, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Wash. DC. Audio of the speech available here. (Also, King’s I’ve Been to the Mountaintop and declaration against the Vietnam War.)

The story of the Hindenburg disaster. Amazingly, 2/3

The story of the Hindenburg disaster. Amazingly, 2/3 of the zeppelin’s passengers survived the crash. Here’s an audio recording of the famous Herbert Morrison radio broadcast (“oh, the humanity”) of the disaster.

Starting on Monday, Dec 5th, Ricky Gervais (

Starting on Monday, Dec 5th, Ricky Gervais (of The Office and Extras fame) will doing a 12-episode series of podcasts for The Guardian. (thx nicholas)

The sounds of Asia

Since recording the walk signal sounds in Hong Kong, I’ve been a bit slack in documenting the sounds as I travel around Asia (because frankly the iPod is one more thing I don’t want to lug around with me all day). Stuff I’ve missed:

  • Bangkok river taxis are manned by two people, the driver and the guy with the whistle. When the boat nears the dock, the whistle guy โ€” who stands at the back of the long boat โ€” sounds a short burst to signal to the driver to cut the engine. Then a few other bursts to help the driver back into the dock in such a way that a gentle reverse keeps the boat close enough to the dock so that passengers can get on and off. A final whistle signals that everyone is on/off and the driver can go. It’s a neat system, if a little ear-piercing if you’re standing near the back of the boat.
  • The cover band at Saigon Saigon, the bar on the 9th floor of the Caravelle Hotel in Saigon. The woman was almost screeching during a rendition of Alanis Morissette’s You Learn. (Re: the bar…the view is awesome, but I thought the bar was really cheesy, which is unfortunate for such a great location.)
  • When trucks back up here, they don’t annoyingly go “beep beep beep” like they do in the US. Instead, they play music; it’s like backing-up ring tones. The first one we heard played Happy Birthday, the rear of a delivery truck belted out It’s a Small World After All, and there was one yesterday afternoon that played some classical tune I couldn’t place.

In lieu of hearing any of those things, check out Quiet American’s field recordings from Vietnam. (via np)

Hong Kong walk signal

The streets of Hong Kong can be a hectic place, but one of the first things you notice is that the pedestrian street crossing signals have a very clear audio signal (one would assume, for the blind and/or very nearsighted). Some American signals has audio as well, but very few, they’re not very loud, and they generally kind of lacking. Anyway, I made an audio recording of the signals (30 sec, 240 KB mp3). The sound is kind of blown out (it’s my first experiment with the iTalk) and the signal doesn’t sound that loud IRL, but you get the gist.

Tom Coates fills us in on the

Tom Coates fills us in on the Annotatable Audio project he worked on at the BBC. Basically, you select a timed section of an audio file (music, newscast, etc.) and then you write a little something about it, Wikipedia-style.

Casual content creation

Over on the Odeo blog, Ev talks about a potentially different type of podcasting, casual content creation:

But, personally, I’m much more of a casual content creator, especially in this realm. The other night, I sent a two-minute podcast to my girlfriend, who was out of town, and got a seven-second “podcast” back that I now keep on my iPod just because it makes me smile. I sent an “audio memo” to my team a while back for something that was much easier to say than type, and I think they actually listened.

A blogging analogue would be Instapundit or Boing Boing (published, broadcast) versus a private LiveJournal[1] (shared, narrowcast). It’s like making a phone call without the expectation of synchronous communication…it’s all voicemail. I thought about doing this the other day when I needed to respond to an email with a lengthy reply. In that particular instance, I ended up sending an email instead because it was the type of thing that might have been forwarded to someone else for comment and returned, etc. But I can see myself using audio like this in the future.

[1] Integrated podcasting tools within LiveJournal would be huge, methinks.

Frans de Waal on low frequency audio

Frans de Waal on low frequency audio as a social instrument: “The host, Larry King, would adjust his timbre to that of high-ranking guests, like Mike Wallace or Elizabeth Taylor. Low-ranking guests, on the other hand, would adjust their timbre to that of King. The clearest adjustment to King’s voice, indicating lack of confidence, came from former Vice President Dan Quayle.” (via mr)

An index of mp3s of old

An index of mp3s of old TV theme songs. Would-be DJs take note: a friend of mine was DJing a party back in college and he threw on the Knight Rider theme song and people went bonkers. (via rw)

Update: Sound America also has an extensive collection of TV themes in WAV format. (thx josh)

John Gruber has a great bullet-point roundup

John Gruber has a great bullet-point roundup of the Apple announcements today…mostly stuff that you won’t hear about in the tech press. (If you’re living in a shack, Apple announced video iPods, new iTunes, downloadable TV programs, new iMacs, etc. today.)

IT Conversations will be streaming presentations from

IT Conversations will be streaming presentations from PopTech 2005 live…Windows Media Player required. :( From Etech to the AIGA Design Conference to Web Essentials 05, more and more conferences letting those of us who can’t attend listen in anyway.

The NY Times Magazine has launched The

The NY Times Magazine has launched The Funny Pages, their comics+ section. PDFs of the comics are available online…here’s the first Chris Ware strip. They’re also podcasting and the first episode is an interview with Ware by John Hodgman, assisted by organist and radio-man Jonathan Coulton.

Podcast subscriptions through iTunes top 1 million in the first 48 hours

Podcast subscriptions through iTunes top 1 million in the first 48 hours. Also, “podcasting is like cappuccino”…read on for the punchline.

Apple has merged their iPod and iPod Photo lines

Apple has merged their iPod and iPod Photo lines. All iPods will now have color screens.

How to record a podcast using GarageBand

How to record a podcast using GarageBand. Using GB like this is overkill, but there it is anyway.

iTunes 4.9 now supports podcasting

iTunes 4.9 now supports podcasting. Boy, podcasting went from zero to corporate in no time flat. Will that pace stunt the growth of indie podcasting before it even has a chance to get started?