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Daily Rituals: How Artists Work

Mason Currey’s book about the daily routines of scientists, painters, writers, and other creative people looks interesting. Sarah Green collected a list of common practices among some of the book’s “healthier geniuses”.

A workspace with minimal distractions. Jane Austen asked that a certain squeaky hinge never be oiled, so that she always had a warning when someone was approaching the room where she wrote. William Faulkner, lacking a lock on his study door, just detached the doorknob and brought it into the room with him โ€” something of which today’s cubicle worker can only dream. Mark Twain’s family knew better than to breach his study door โ€” if they needed him, they’d blow a horn to draw him out. Graham Greene went even further, renting a secret office; only his wife knew the address or telephone number. Distracted more by the view out his window than interruptions, if N.C. Wyeth was having trouble focusing, he’d tape a piece of cardboard to his glasses as a sort of blinder.

I love reading about people’s workspaces; here’s an old post about George Bernard Shaw’s rotating writing room. (via myself apparently?)