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Just a Beautiful Drawing of Bluebells

By the artist Skevoulla Gordon. (Prints are available, too, and she’s a good follow on Instagram!)

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This light blooms like a flower

These Shylights are amazing. Kinetic ceiling lights that resemble blooming flowers, unfurling parachutes, descending ghosts.

The concept is based on nyctinasty, the process by which flowers open and close due to light or temperature changes.

“We wanted to find this exact moment, where the difference is in an object, when it is dead or when it starts to become alive.”

(via This Isn’t Happiness)

Flowers don’t smell as good as they

Flowers don’t smell as good as they used to and part of the reason is breeding…they’re breeding flowers for looks and longevity, not for scent. I believe Michael Pollan discusses this in his excellent The Botany of Desire (tulip chapter).

I ran across this trashcan vase in

I ran across this trashcan vase in the West Village last night.