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Ephermeral cities (SF, Paris, Berlin, NYC) provide

Ephermeral cities (SF, Paris, Berlin, NYC) provide alternative lifestyles to “nonfamilies and the nomadic rich”. “To retain an important role in the future, a city needs upwardly mobile people whose families and businesses identify them with a place. A great city is more about clean and workable neighborhoods, thriving business districts, and functioning schools than massive cultural buildings or hipster lofts.”

Slideshow of the making of Barcade, the

Slideshow of the making of Barcade, the bar/arcade in Brooklyn.

A book party for cabbies

A book party for cabbies.

With higher rents (and other factors), good

With higher rents (and other factors), good cheap food is getting hard to find in Manhattan.

Slide show depicting a collection of New

Slide show depicting a collection of New York City coffee cups.

Adam Greenfield sights a celebrity hero in New York

Adam Greenfield sights a celebrity hero in New York. “We finished up our meal, we retrieved our bikes, and we rode away, into the ongoing rush and joy of a life given to me in large measure by the unhappy-looking man at the table behind us.”

New York magazine on the battle over foie gras

New York magazine on the battle over foie gras.

Goofy looking taxi accident

Goofy looking taxi accident. I think this deserves a “whoopsie daisy”.

Allan Tannenbaum’s photos of NYC nightlife in the 1970s

Allan Tannenbaum’s photos of NYC nightlife in the 1970s. Discos, Studio 54, Andy Warhol, porn stars, etc. NSFW.

Bernie Goetz is running for public advocate

Bernie Goetz is running for public advocate on a platform of vegetarianism and, uh, squirrels. Goetz shot four youths who tried to rob him on the NYC subway in 1984. (Is this campaign for real?)

Trace of one person’s walking and biking

Trace of one person’s walking and biking in New York City over a year’s time.

eGullet thread and roundup of the 2005 Big

eGullet thread and roundup of the 2005 Big Apple BBQ Block Park.

Pitch Camp: camping in Times Square

Pitch Camp: camping in Times Square.

A list of weeds you might see on the subway

A list of weeds you might see on the subway. Including iPodpea, Prickly Metscap, Mumblecane, Dozing Slabface, and Edgy Sweatnettle.

I ran across this trashcan vase in

I ran across this trashcan vase in the West Village last night.

Slideshow from GMHRD, an arcade game contest

Slideshow from GMHRD, an arcade game contest in which contestants are clad only in their underwear. I missed my chance to shine at Dig Dug in my boxers because I was watching Six Feet Under. :(

A street sculpture by REVS was recently

A street sculpture by REVS was recently stolen in my neighborhood.

A literary map of Manhattan

A literary map of Manhattan. “Here’s where imaginary New Yorkers lived, worked, played, drank, walked, and looked at ducks.”

Improv Everywhere played a fake U2 concert

Improv Everywhere played a fake U2 concert near Madison Square Garden last week. The Edge was played by an Asian guy and the “band” got arrested during their final song.

The launch party for Eyebeam’s Contagious Media

The launch party for Eyebeam’s Contagious Media Showdown is tonight, 6:30pm.

Whatever happened to the subjects of Diane Arbus’s photographs?

Whatever happened to the subjects of Diane Arbus’s photographs?. CNN’s Anderson Cooper was that weird looking baby?

If you haven’t yet, the Diane Arbus

If you haven’t yet, the Diane Arbus exhibition at the Met is worth checking out. Open through May 30.

A letter from Jane Jacobs to Mayor

A letter from Jane Jacobs to Mayor Bloomberg concerning the rezoning of the Williamsburg-Greenpoint waterfront.

A group called Art Mobs is producing

A group called Art Mobs is producing their own audio guides for the MoMA.

Staff at The Spotted Pig restaurant in

Staff at The Spotted Pig restaurant in NYC wear shoes custom-designed for the restaurant. Can Air Batali’s be far behind?

Free movies in NYC’s Bryant Park all

Free movies in NYC’s Bryant Park all summer; here’s the schedule. Ooh, Touch of Evil.

Never having been to NYC before 2002, it’s

Never having been to NYC before 2002, it’s a bit jarring to see such a huge graffiti tag on a subway train.

The Modern, the fancy restaurant at the

The Modern, the fancy restaurant at the MoMA, gets two stars from the NY Times.

James Beard Award winners for 2005

James Beard Award winners for 2005. Batali is best chef, Per Se is best new restaurant, Danny Meyer is “outstanding restauranteur”.

NYC2012 is using the Union Square clock

NYC2012 is using the Union Square clock art work to promote NY’s 2012 Olympic bid. One of the artists who did the piece is not thrilled about it being used for advertising.