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Real life Mario Kart

Awesome real life Mario Kart by urban prankster Remi Gaillard. (via waxy)

Remi Gaillard videos

In celebration of Euro 2008, public prankster and more-than-fair soccer striker Rรฉmi Gaillard made the following video of himself using the urban landscape as a soccer pitch. Gaillard scores goals into police vans, trash cans, open windows, etc. to the annoyance of his oblivious goalies.

Something about the video seemed familiar and after a bit of searching, I discovered that the same fellow was also responsible for one of my favorite links from a few years ago, Rocky Recreated. There are tons of his videos on YouTube, most of them centered on Gaillard’s brand of graffiti-esque performance art. I can’t condone some of his actions but he’s certainly amusing to watch. (via memeticians)