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Great aerial photography of Africa by Michael

Great aerial photography of Africa by Michael Poliza. One of my favorites. Poliza’s work reminds me of Yann Arthus Bertrand. (via nickbaum)

Thirteen photographs that changed the world, featuring

Thirteen photographs that changed the world, featuring Robert Capa, Man Ray, Matthew Brady, and Ansel Adams.

Faces of New York. Photographer Simon Hoegsberg

Faces of New York. Photographer Simon Hoegsberg asks people about their faces and then photographs them. “Essentially I would say I have made a drastic change the last three years. Age caught up with me. Good times caught up with me. Wild parties caught up with me. And what I see now is a truly aging woman. I no longer see the spontaneous, witty, charming…I see an elderly woman. And I find that difficult, but in a way very freeing.”

Noah Kalina (this Noah Kalina) recently had

Noah Kalina (this Noah Kalina) recently had his photo taken with several celebrities at a VH1 awards show. Here’s some background on the project. “The only celebs that were actually familiar with the phenomenon that is Noah K were Weird Al Yankovic and Paris Hilton. How perfect is that?” (via jen)

Santas riding the NYC subway in 1987. Seeing

Santas riding the NYC subway in 1987. Seeing graffiti on the subway always amazes me.

Chan Marshall (AKA Cat Power) on the

Chan Marshall (AKA Cat Power) on the Richard Avedon photo of her in the New Yorker: “I was so drunk I could barely stand up. I couldn’t zip up my pants because my stomach was killing me. I didn’t even realize I wasn’t wearing underwear until the magazine came out.” (via conscientious)

The goal of The Shower Project was

The goal of The Shower Project was to shower with 100 women by the end of 1999 and photograph the results.

I quite liked the work of Barbara

I quite liked the work of Barbara Probst in the New Photography 2006 exhibition at the MoMA. Probst shoots the same scene with multiple cameras at the same time.

Wonderful interview with photographer Simon Norfolk on

Wonderful interview with photographer Simon Norfolk on BLDGBLOG. Norfolk photographs landscapes of war, but not just battlefields. “Because quite soon there aren’t going to be guys with guns shooting at each other. We’re quite soon getting to the era of UAVs and stuff. People aren’t even going to know what shot them - and there will be nothing to photograph.”

Hans van der Meer takes beautiful photographs

Hans van der Meer takes beautiful photographs of soccer fields in Europe. Also available in book form. (thx, dirk)

Cool composite photo of planes taking off

Cool composite photo of planes taking off from a busy airport. (via nickbaum)

Josef Koudelka, Prague, 1968

Koudelka Invasion Of Prague

This is one of my favorite photos. It was taken by Josef Koudelka in Prague in 1968, just before the Soviet Union invaded and put a stop to The Prague Spring. To demonstrate the emptiness of the streets at noon, Koudelka stuck his wristwatch into the scene before shooting it. A simple, brilliant gesture that adds not only a temporal dimension to the photo but also a sense of solitary humanity in contrast to the empty streets.

Little People is a series of photographs

Little People is a series of photographs of tiny handpainted people depicted in different situations around London. Reminds me of the tiny people with food photos of Akiko Ida and Pierre Javelle. It would be neat to monkey with the depth of field in these photos so that somehow both the little people and the background were in focus, making it seem more like the people weren’t little.

Photo of Beavis, a homeless man living

Photo of Beavis, a homeless man living in San Francisco, shooting up (perhaps NSFW). He was previously photographed in 1994 as a street kid in LA for Time magazine. “he picks his scabs to find a good spot; and tries a few locations before he gets a vein.”

Who loves you? I love you and

Who loves you? I love you and JPG Magazine loves you. For a limited time, if you use the KOTTKED code, you get $5 off a year’s subscription to JPG Magazine, “The Magazine of Brave New Photography”.

Photographs of postcards and miniature souvenirs held

Photographs of postcards and miniature souvenirs held in place of actual landmarks and tourist attractions. (via gulfstream)

Top 100 photos taken by the Hubble Space

Top 100 photos taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, a singularly talented photographer.

“The Polling Place Photo Project is a

The Polling Place Photo Project is a nationwide experiment in citizen journalism that seeks to empower citizens to capture, post and share photographs of democracy in action. By documenting their local voting experience on November 7, voters can contribute to an archive of photographs that captures the richness and complexity of voting in America.”

Opening tonight at Jen Bekman’s gallery: James

Opening tonight at Jen Bekman’s gallery: James Deavin’s Photographs from the New World, a selection of photos he took in the online game, Second Life.

Great photos of the Space Shuttle launch

Great photos of the Space Shuttle launch taken from the International Space Station. (via cyn-c)

Update: The photos weren’t taken from the ISS but from a chase plane. (thx, greg)

Time’s White House photographers have a daily

Time’s White House photographers have a daily photoblog. A good look at the stuff that doesn’t make it into the newspapers or magazines. (thx, pablo)

Artist Liz Cohen fixes up old cars

Artist Liz Cohen fixes up old cars and then photographs herself with them as a bikini model. Here’s a recent article on Cohen’s work in the Phoenix New Times and an older article from Wired. (via art fag city)

Kodak has a pretty good corporate weblog

Kodak has a pretty good corporate weblog called A Thousand Words where employees share their photos and discuss photography.

Invention + art

Photographer Clifford Ross shared his list of the necessary ingredients for invention and art at PopTech:

1. curiousity
2. persistence
3. ready to embrace the unexpected
4. ability and willingness to collaborate

Ross showed some rough results from his new pano-camera. I love Ross’ Hurricane series:

Ross Waves

Photographer Philippe Halsman took portraits of people

Photographer Philippe Halsman took portraits of people while jumping (the people, not Halsman), as a way to loosen up. Subjects include Marilyn Monroe, Richard Nixon, and the Dule and Duchess of Windsor. (viabb)

Slideshow of photographs from the last show (+

Slideshow of photographs from the last show (+ archival photos) at CBGB, a beloved New York music venue. Several photos of the club’s final days are available on Flickr as well.

The future of science: celebrity photography. While

The future of science: celebrity photography. While in Venice for the World Conference on the Future of Science, prominent philosopher Daniel Dennett squeezed off a shot of Paris Hilton arriving at the hotel for, one would assume, activities unrelated to the scientific proceedings.

Unrelated Doppelganger Project

Photographer Francois Brunelle is looking for people and their doppelgangers to photograph for a project. Whaddya say, Sweeney? (via bb)

Grain elevator tour

Pruned takes us on a short tour of grain elevators. Wonderful old industrial buildings…the small town I grew up in had a huge grain elevator rising from the center of town, like a skyscraper in a cornfield.

Stephen Berkman makes 1860s-style photographs (more specifically,

Stephen Berkman makes 1860s-style photographs (more specifically, ambrotypes) with a contemporary eye. (via enthusiasm)